
Year Starter Financial Tips for Doctors

Welcome to 2014! The start of a new year is often seen as a chance to start afresh.  For 2014, why not start a resolution to stop rushing things and completing them a few days before the deadline and start planning ahead.  Having a proper financial plan helps you to ensure that your financial future […]

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Budgeting for Doctors – surplus or deficit?

Each year in early May, the Treasurer delivers the Federal Budget and many people across Australia listen intently. The Budget tells us how the government intends to spend its revenue in the coming year – whether it can afford to give us tax cuts and whether it expects to spend more (deficit) or less (surplus) […]

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Financial planning for Doctors – More than just Advice

Financial planners are often the first port of call for doctors that are seeking advice on investing a lump sum of money. However, that is just the tip of the iceberg. A professional medical financial adviser has the knowledge and skills to help you achieve your goals and objectives by tailoring strategies to specifically address […]

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